Sweat Stuff: Gearing Up for an Outdoor Summer Workout

Many of us may consider working out indoors with air conditioning to be ideal, but that isn’t always possible, especially with summer travel. If you plan on running, cycling, swimming or partaking in any other physical activity outdoors, there are special precautions that must be taken and performance fitness gear you’ll want to stock up on to optimize your workout.

Athleta’s senior manager of innovation and product information, Tracy Byrnes, notes that for summer outdoor workouts, it’s important to “look for polyester garments that will breathe and wick away moisture to keep you dry. Zoned mesh areas can provide additional ventilation for really hot days.” She adds that “extended exposure to UV rays can cause skin cancer and other disorders so it’s important to protect your skin. Look for tops with ratings of UPF 50+ if you’re buying clothes with built-in protection [UPF is a rating used for apparel sun protection, while SPF is the rating system for sunscreen].” Byrnes also told us that looking for clothing with anti-odor technology is a plus and she singles out this tank from Athleta.

Here’s a look at some standout performance apparel along with gadgets and accessories to help you make the most out of your summer outdoor workouts.
