8 Amazing New Beauty Products to Try This Month

January is the month for new beauty products. Drugstores do a major overhaul of the beauty aisles and Sephora stocks up on the latest and greatest to hydrate parched winter skin and rejuvenate fried hair.

If, like most women, your New Year’s resolutions have something to do with looking and feeling your best, these beauty products will help get you there. There’s a serum that fights future wrinkles while zapping the ones you already have, a gel nail polish you can apply at home for an impressively long-lasting manicure and a lip gloss so hydrating it makes balm obsolete.

If these launches are a sign of things to come, 2016 is going to be a very exciting year in the beauty world.

[ Next: 21 Drugstore Skin Care Products Dermatologists Swear By ]
