Jourdan Dunn’s Afro on Vogue Brazil Causes Controversy on Our Forums (Forum Buzz)


“I like both covers, but her hair just doesn’t work for me,” shared justaguy right away.

“Nice colors and good styling. But what’s wrong with her hair? Awful hairstyle. Poor Jourdan. Still good to see her on another Vogue cover,” added narcyza.

In the same frame of mind was inwhiterooms: “Gorgeous, but the hair is extremely distracting and not in a good way…”

SpeakThatJDunn soon piped up and asked, “What is wrong with an afro?”

“Maybe if the hair was bigger?” replied Benn98, going on to write, “her physique already looks so petite, this small hair doesn’t help. The shots are nice and cover-worthy, love the colours, but with a wee bit more attitude it would have been perfection.”

Disagreeing with the majority was HeatherAnne, who was quick to state, “I swear Dunn gets more beautiful with every passing year. She is very commanding on both of these covers. And for those dissing the hairstyle, to me that is what makes these work!”

“I wish even more magazines etc would let go of their ‘phobia’ of natural black hairstyles and feature models with them in this great way like Vogue Brazil has done here,” applauded saucer-like.

“Whoa gorgeous, it really works, the styling makes it even more powerful. Possibly the best covers with her in a long while!” Miss Dalloway raved.


Add your own two cents and await Jourdan’s cover story here.
