Crimes of Fashion? This Photo Series Depicts Some of America’s Weirdest Laws

The full series, “I Fought the Law,” is available to view via Ms. Locher’s website

In Alabama, it’s illegal to have an ice cream cone in your pocket at all times. 

I couldn’t find a credible source confirming this law; it’s most likely an urban legend.

In Delaware, it’s illegal to wear pants that are “form-fitting” around the waist. 

Although I couldn’t find the origins of this law, I did find a mention of it in GQ, as early as 1967. The tight pants ban is not a statewide thing, but is restricted to the town of Lewes. 

 In Rhode Island, it’s illegal to wear transparent clothing.

I couldn’t verify this. Although plenty of websites in the “Dumb Laws” Internet niche have listed this factoid, I couldn’t find a reference to it in a single credible source, including in Google’s entire Books database.

In Texas, it’s illegal for children to have unusual haircuts.

Writing for the legal blog,, Caitlyn Obolsky, Esq. says, “In Mesquite, Texas it is illegal for children to have unusual haircuts. I am guessing this one has to do with a more traditional desire for a sense of conformity of appearance. There must have been some sort of wave of unusual hairstyles in order to get this one enacted into law.”

In Hawaii, coins are not allowed to be placed in one’s ears. 

The best explanation I found comes from “Coins are not allowed to be placed in one’s ears. The reason for this is because in 1900 when Hawaii became apart of the United States, there was an order to destroy all Hawaiian coins, and people would hide them in their ears; now it is a sign of being a drug dealer.”

Related: Here’s Some of the Earliest Known Fashion Photography

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