Fashion Bloggers Season 2, Episode 2 Recap: Nicole Richie, Claw Hands and Problem Solving

Fashion Bloggers Season Two is now well under way, with Zanita WhittingtonSara DonaldsonAmanda ShadforthKate Waterhouse and Nadia Fairfax revealing more of their fascinating lives to us with every episode.

For episode two we got to see almost all of their claw hands in action, witnessed some problem-solving advice in the form of #FoodPorn, and had some beautiful cameos which made the show all the more riveting. 

Don’t stress if you missed it. We’ve got a full recap for you below.

Alright ladies, why is inspiration important and what inspires you?

Who cares.

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Sara’s dog, Bundy, is back for another season!

Dog selfies!!! 

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That claw hand, though.

Who is Alex Davis?

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Why haven’t we heard of her before? 

We like her.

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Oh we knew Gabby, account manager of Oracle Fox, was useful for something.

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She’s the girl that throws the scarf on the shoot.

We shouldn’t joke about it.

The result was phenom.

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Where would Amanda be without you, Gabby?

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Apparently in a schmick Holden convertible, driving away.

With Alex.

Without you.

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See ya.

Wouldn’t wanna be ya.

“When Sara and I caught up at Lemon Tree, we basically just solved all the world’s problems,” said Zanita.

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Oh, this should be good.

World problem #1: People who try and eat or drink their food without Instagramming it first. 

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Seriously, Sara? 

You’re a blogger.

We expect more from you. 

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“If we don’t Instagram it, it didn’t happen,” Zanita snaps.

We know who wears the pants in this relationship.

And the colour.

At least Zanita’s reaction to peep-toe shoes is spot-on. 

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We’d look equally as weird at the mere mention of the “style”. 

Like she just had a tequila shot.

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We only wish we had her claw hands, though.

This facial is even better.

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Zanita loves a good YouTube idea.


Enter someone who does YouTube better than her.

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Hello, Morello.

Chloe Morello, that is. 


Just. Wow.

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How do people even have faces like that?

What an angel.

Whoever has her babies is a lucky man.

Sara, Zanita and Mimi Elashiry are in Who’s Most Beautiful People issue. 


Sara’s “flattered”. 

Ah, yeah, you should be.

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But still thinks it’s a strategic move on Who’s behalf.

Blake Lively was the page before you.

Please, just shoosh and be grateful.

Yay for Mimi.

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You bloody babe.

“I’m just people,” Zanita gushed.

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They’re just a bunch of claw-handed “people”, really.

“Sophia loves the camera,”

 Kate says.

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Oh, we can tell.

Is that her crawling off set?

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Say buh-bye! Buh-bye!

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Little Sophia’s working on her claw hand nice and early.

She’s going to be a great selfie-taker.

Enough of the baby talk.

Nadia’s got something to say.

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“Welcome to my little space.”


Her room is like the most beautiful wardrobe vomit we’ve ever seen.

We didn’t know the bloggers actually got to keep the clothes.

We thought they had to give them back. 


This changes everything.

Sign us up to bloggerville.

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How does she reach those jumpers, though?

She’s so little.

This is like the worst slash best wardrobe we’ve ever seen.

“It’s a stylist’s nightmare,” says Nadia. 

You’re a stylist, no, Nadia?

Aren’t you bloggers jacks of all trades?

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We’re guessing she does hair and makeup after her wardrobe eats her up like a monster.

“I like being a blogger because it allows me to go out to lunch when I want to and all of that social stuff that I like so much,” Nadia continues. 

Weren’t you saying last week how bloggers don’t have much time to be social?

Stop sending us mixed messages, Nadia.

Kate’s hosting the lunch with Nicole Richie.


Because Nicole’s here for the Golden Slipper, and Kate’s Gai Waterhouse’s daughter.


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Of course all her gals tagged along. 

“I love her. I want her to be my best friend,” Zanita said of Nicole. 

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Good luck with that, girlfriend.

They’re all wearing navy blue or black.

Even the ever-eccentric Zanita.

“For some reason we all ended up wearing the same colour,” she laughed.

“It was kind of like we all coordinated together like some girl band or something.”


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“It was NOT planned!” Zanita clarifies.

Alright, we believe you.

Kind of.

At least Nicole got to stand out in white.

But that won’t stop front woman Zanita from wooing Nicole into their pop group.

“I think that she needs to be part of our posse now,” she said.

Nadia agrees. “She’s not a blogger, but she’s fashion.”

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Spice up your life.

Next week the girls will debut their first song, “Far-SHUN”.

Not really.

It’s just a whole bunch of photoshoots.

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And probably some more claw hands.



Much fashion, little time.

Until next time, blogettes.

Fashion Bloggers airs Thursdays on E! at 9.30pm.

Watch our full interview with the Fashion Bloggers cast here.
