5 Easy-Peasy Headwraps You Can Master in No Time

Double Turban

Step 1: Fold your first square scarf into a triangle.

Step 2: Wrap it around your head and secure with a knot in the back. Tuck in any remaining material that may be hanging loose in the back.

Step 3: Fold your second square scarf into a triangle.

Step 4: Wrap the scarf around your head backward. The triangle point should be in the front. The crease should sit low at the back of your head.

Step 5: Bring the ends around to the front and crisscross. The triangle point at the front should be underneath the knot.

Step 6: While twisting the material of the ends, bring the ends to the back of your head and secure with a knot.

Step 7: Take the triangle point in the front, bunch up the fabric and tuck it behind the front crisscross.
