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8 Street Style Trends We Spotted at Fashion Week to Copy STAT

Images: Imaxtree

You’ve probably been watching the runways (or reading our roundups) to find out all the Spring 2019 fashion trends. But seeing as how most work better in warmer weather, you might be better off focusing on the trends taking over the street style set. Somehow, all showgoers and models-off-duty got the memo about larger-than-life earrings, patterned pants, the staying power of safety orange and the evolution of the classic trench.

In case you were too busy to see every. single. outfit. that hit the streets this season, scroll through the slideshow above for a breakdown of all the trends you can rock IRL right now.

[ Next: A Month’s Worth of Fall Outfit Ideas for Every Rainy, Chilly, Windy Possibility ]
