The Perfect DIY Facial

Okay, so it’s not the hand-massaging, Enya-playing, extraction-filled kind, but at-home facials lack the hefty price tag. Check out our tips for giving yourself a pretty darn good at-home facial.

Yes, this may seem like an obvious one, but we’re not talking about the quick splash of water and a few rubs of cleanser kind of washing. In order for products to penetrate properly, you need to really get skin clean.

We’re big fans of the Clarisonic, which is six times more effective at removing makeup, and “power washes” skin to get it ready for other products, such as toners, moisturizers, and masks.  

If you don’t want to shell out the $200 for a Clarisonic, try picking up Pretika’s Sonic Dermabrasion Facial brush ($41.50), or Olay’s new ProX Advanced Cleaning System ($30), which has been touted as the “drugstore Clarisonic”.

Lastly, if one of your New Year’s resolutions was to seriously cut back on spending, just think about how happy you’ll be next time you check your bank account balance. 


Use a Mask

Masks are great because they’re a quick, relatively inexpensive way to revitalize skin. The problem with them, though, is they’re often misused.

People tend to use too much product, leave them on too long, or choose the wrong one. Once you find the right mask for your skin, follow the directions. Leaving a mask on longer than recommended does not make it more effective. In fact, it can irritate or dry out your skin.  

Tip #1:  If you have combination skin, try using two different masks – one for your t-zone and another for your cheeks.

Tip #2:  Fill a bowl with hot water and steam your face (not too closely) for a few minutes after applying a mask. This will ensure proper penetration of the product.  



After rinsing (and if need be, toning), always finish off with a moisturizer or face oil.  You need to do this no matter how oily or acne-prone your skin. We’re pretty sure you’ve heard by now that skipping moisturizer will only create more oil in the skin. Your lotion or oil serves as a protective barrier against winter weather and skin-drying heat. It also helps to lock in ingredients after your facial. 

Rose and lavender oils are great for soothing flaky, chapped skin, while vitamin C serums pack an antioxidant-rich punch for tired, stressed-out complexions.


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