Holy Heat Wave! Skin-Quenching Tips for Every Skin Type

Normal and Combination Skin 

Both normal and combination skin tends to look dull, dry, and flaky after a grueling winter. The main problem? Dead skin cells that sit on your skin, making your complexion look ashy and dry. For glowing skin, add an exfoliator to your summer skincare regimen 2-3 times a week. Exfoliation is crucial to healthy looking skin, and will make a significant difference in preventing blackheads and even the occasional breakout. Even if you apply moisturizer regularly, your skin will never look luminous without exfoliation. So grab a gentle face scrub before you hit the shower and gently rub the exfoliator in a circular motion all over your entire face while making sure to avoid the delicate eye area. Rinse off the scrub with a warm wash cloth and follow with a light moisturizer. Soon enough you will reveal more youthful, radiant looking skin that is ready to face daylight. 

Oily Skin 

One of the more difficult skin types to tackle during the summer is oily skin. Heat tends to soften and open pores, thus exposing them to bacteria, sweat, and pollutants, making way for nasty pimples. To avoid congested skin which leads to acne and other problems, switch to a cleanser that fights bacteria and washes dirt deeply. Look for a gel cleanser that will leave your skin feeling cool and refreshed as creamy cleansers will only clog oily complexions further. Follow your wash with a mattifying moisturizer and oil-free SPF. Repeat during the night, skip the SPF. 

Dry Skin 

Ironically, even dry skin becomes oily during the summer. To treat parched skin during the warmer months, switch to a foam-based cleanser that will provide deep cleaning without stripping your skin of its natural oils. As gentle as cleansing milk and as effective as soap, foam cleansers are ideal for dry skin. Not only do they remove excess oil and impurities, they also protect your skin from the drying effects of hard water. Once you have cleaned your skin thoroughly, follow up with a lightweight moisturizer — preferably one that contains a high SPF. To seal in the moisture, be sure to apply to damp skin. Follow this exact step twice a day and you are on your way to a glowing, hydrated skin. 

Sensitive/Acne-Prone Skin 

Unfortunately for sensitive skin, summer does not mean a break from irritability and challenging skin reactions. In fact, dramatic weather changes will only irritate your skin even more, especially if you are already prone to acne. Treating sensitive skin that is acne-prone is difficult and at times might feel impossible. Because sensitive skin types are averse to typical acne fixes like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, it’s important that you seek a cleanser that is gentle but that also removes surface oil. During this period, make sure to wash your face every night to remove makeup, excess oil, and impurities. Then dry your skin with a soft, gentle wash cloth and follow up with an oil-free lightweight moisturizer. Treat breakouts with spot-on treatments that are made specifically for sensitive skin. 

Images: Imaxtree
