12 Fresh Scents That Are Basically Summer in a Bottle

By now we all know we should switch up our skin care strategy once the weather warms up. But you should also hit the refresh button on your go-to scent. Florals and fruity fragrances are the perfect summer companions because they embody everything the season stands for. And since most of us don’t have off to enjoy the high temps and cool breezes, these summer scents are great ways to bring a little sunshine with you everywhere you go. Citrus and potent bouquets fit the profile of a standard summer scent. Not that we’re complaining. But this season we’re also favoring unexpected accents, like vanilla, creosote, sandalwood along with both black and pink pepper. Hey, we like our aromas complex, just like our personalities. As a bonus, all of these top summer scents come in bottles that are just as enchanting. Seriously, better clear some space since they all deserve to be featured on your vanity. Not to mention Instagram. When it comes to price, as you know, perfumes don’t come cheap. But we also managed to track down a few more moderately priced options. Including one pick that rings in at just $48. Keep reading to discover your new signature (summer) scent.


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