It’s Wonderful to See Arizona Muse on the Cover of Harper’s Bazaar Germany (Forum Buzz)


“Really like this, it’s got a very summery feel. We haven’t seen much of Arizona lately,” expressed Benn98, hitting us off on a positive note the moment the cover surfaced.

“I’m waiting for Arizona to disappoint me and I’m starting to doubt if she could. This is just beautiful! It’s a simple shot that focuses on the beauty of Arizona,” MON shared.

Also in the mood for some Arizona was Style Savvy, who was quick to write, “Beautiful cover. That face is just phenomenal.”

Handbag Queen shared a similar positive opinion, too. “It’s great to see Arizona back on a cover again, have missed seeing her since she signed with Estée Lauder,” she enthused.

“Are we ready for an Arizona comeback?” asked arlekindearrabal.

“Please dear God, no,” replied gossiping, going against the tone of the thread.

Benn98 was quick to return and voice, “Don’t worry, the likes of Julia B, Joséphine, Valery, Maartje etc will still be here. Besides, Arizona is not technically on a hiatus. The amount of Vogue covers and print work she’s secured during her ‘break’ is enough to make a working model weep. I say bring her back!”

Are you as pleased as we are to see Arizona? Let us know here.
