Does Kanye Tell Kim Kardashian to Dress More Like Kate Middleton?

This isn’t the first the Daily Star‘s run a story about Kanye’s Princess Kate krush [I’m sorry, but the alliterative cheap shots are harder than you think to resist!]. In May, the publication ran a similar story, “Kanye West Wants Kate Middleton Look for Kim Kardashian,” which included an interview with her makeup artist, Rob Scheppy:

“Kanye does like to get involved with Kim’s look…Kanye’s not afraid to say what he likes. He definitely likes the less-is-more look…Kate Middleton has influenced her look while in London. Kate’s amazing. We watched her wedding and we thought it was beautiful.”

Note that Scheppy never explictly made the Kim-Kanye-Kate konnection [shut up, you love it], and the tabloid seems intent on a packaging the story in a way which will deliberately confuse the reader. I’m just saying, I don’t have very deep knowledge of UK media, but the Daily Star seems a little suspect, and so does this story.

Typically, a tabloid doesn’t need a reason to make things up — most rag readers understand that gossip publications sometimes care more about selling issues and being entertaining than publishing fact, and are fine with it — but in this case, the Daily Star may have had an ulterior motive. The paper’s umbrella company, Northern & Shell, holds joint ownership of the counterpart: the Irish Daily Star, which is currently in big, big trouble for publishing topless photos of the Duchess of Cambridge. The publication was threatened with closure, and now, according to The Guardian, the London-based Northern & Shell is “threatening to pull out of its joint ownership contract with Dublin-based Independant News & Media (INM).” What a lovely time to run unsourced stories playing up the “poise and sophistication” of whichever Duchess has been living in Buckingham Palace!

Just to bring it all back to FASHION, let’s not forget that Kim and Kate have already done some look-swapping, but not in the order you’d expect. Early in June, Kate Middleton wowed wowees with a bright red Alexander McQueen dress…which had been worn by Kim Kardashian November the previous year.

Image collage via WENN

