PETA Threatens to Sue the Company That Customized Beyonce’s Isabel Marant Sneakers

Last week, I posted an article about Beyonce’s special-order Isabel Marant sneaker wedges, which the company PMK customized with stingray, ostrich, calf fur, crocodile and anaconda skins. The shoes (pictured) were ugly, unethical and coming under fire from PETA.

PMK responded to the flurry of news stories with a short statement asserting that “no animals were beaten, harmed, or killed in the development and crafting of the ‘King Bey’ sneaker.” Right. The exotic animal skins apperated out of thin air because the universe could tell that Beyonce thought her Isabel Marants needed a little extra oomph

PETA just emailed us with their response to the custom order sneaker company. The animal rights advocacy group is threatening to sue PMK if the business doesn’t acknowledge the fact that animals were harmed to make the Beyonce’s new shoes — which she’ll probably never wear in public now, ever (small blessings).

From the organization’s President, Ingrid Newkirk:

“PMK must face up to the fact that a variety of species were slaughtered for these shoes or confront a consumer-fraud lawsuit. The company’s attempt to cover up this cruelty is as ludicrous as a fast-food chain telling customers, ‘No cows were harmed in the making of our burgers.'”


PETA also notes that PMK has a Better Business Bureau ‘F’ rating, with a lawsuit that was filed against the company in January, for violating consumer-protection laws. 

PreviouslyPETA’s Not Okay With Beyonce’s Customized Isabel Marant Wedge Sneakers

Image via PMK
