I’d Really Like It If You Read This Post and Watched the Trailer for ‘The Canyons’

Based on the just-released trailer, I don’t have high hopes for the film’s quality (last night, Ellis and Fifty Shades of Grey producer Dana Brunetti got in a Twitter catfight over whose upcoming film was going to be worse, and that seems like a fair fight), but I don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t be (at least secretly) dying to watch it, and just super excited about this whole affair. It looks like a goofy pretentious mess, and if you don’t believe me, just watch the trailer below and read this recent status update from the movie’s Facebook page: “Showed L[indsay]L[ohan] the film tonight. She saw and she understood. What a wonderful moment for her. Some tears, some hard words, some kisses but that’s life in Lindsayland. Sometimes the movie gods smile. Sometimes you get lucky. LL and I got lucky.”

There will be a press tour. Lindsay Lohan will give interviews. James Deen will ink a major burrito endorsement deal. Bret Easton Ellis will get really defensive about something publicly. I want it now.

Image via Getty
