Urban Outfitters’ Music Video Series: Yachts, Puppies, Martinis and Ultimate Luxury with Classixx Featuring Nancy Whang

“All You’re Waiting For” … is this video (!), made by the DJ duo Classixx and featuring former LCD Soundsystem member Nancy Whang on vocals. You will love it. 

Wang plays a wealthy woman with ostentatious, flashy taste. She likes enormous jewels, silky gowns, puppies, martinis and watching shirtless sailors dancing on the deck of her yacht. What sane woman doesn’t like those things? The video vacillates between an attraction to luxury and repulsion, a sense that despite their surface pleasures, shiny fancy things are meaningless — and in fact, ugly. That tension is common enough to pop music, but it’s truly central to the video, which was produced to be featured as part of Urban Outfitter’s Music Video Series. The clothing retailer doesn’t have a problem printing rebellious, anti-establishment messages on its T-shirts, it doesn’t have a problem promoting a video which makes fun of materialistic ambition, but don’t think for a second that Urban Outfitters thinks you should stop spending so much money on things you don’t really need. 


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