‘The Face’ Contestant Amanda Gullickson Talks Tyson Beckford, Pamella Roland [Season 2, Episode 3]

Yet another episode has passed and things continue to get more and more down to the wire. At the beginning of the episode, you see the aftermath of last week’s elimination. Naomi [Campbell] is absolutely furious and it was really hard to see how much tension came about between her and Lydia [Hearst]. I felt bad, but I know that Lydia’s intentions were never harmful. All I knew is that we had no time for negativity! We had to win this next campaign! We could not lose anymore of our team. 

When it comes time for our next challenge, we arrive to see THE Tyson Beckford. He was just as eye-catching in person as in pictures. It was intimidating to have him judging, but at the same time that much more motivation to look good! For this challenge, we find out we will be in a latex skirt which will definitely restrict our legs, and super high heels. However, all of that sounds just dandy until you throw in some steps! That is where the real challenge lies. All I remember telling myself was to keep my head up and use my leg strength to stretch that latex as much as I could. 

I can’t say I wasn’t nervous, but Lydia told us to have fun so that’s what I did. Walking on the runway and having to follow the figure eight pattern was no easy task, but I knew I had to just keep my head up. More then anything though, I remember those shoes had my toes feeling like they were breaking every step. Haha! I just could not let that show. I made it through and as a team we did a good job. 

Unfortunately, I was critiqued yet again, and yet again it was for being too sexy. Before when we were practicing, we decided as a team I should blow a kiss to set a “cute” and “girly” tone to fit the gowns, but now I feel we would all agree that was a mistake. I will say though, like I said last week, if being too sexy is the only critique…I will take it! I feel it was really close, but Team Anne wins this week. This puts Ray back in the elimination room for our team. It was scary, but I agree with Lydia that it was the extra push she really needed to break through her shell. Unfortunately, the loft lost Kira but I got my teammate back! Now it is time to prepare for the next campaign!

Read last week’s recap: ‘The Face’ Contestant Amanda Gullickson Tells Us About Her Frederic Fekkai Makeover [Season 2, Episode 2]



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