Jesinta Campbell Has Chosen a Wedding Dress Designer

Since getting engaged to AFL star Lance “Buddy” Franklin, model Jesinta Campbell has remained pretty tight-lipped about anything and everything to do with her upcoming wedding. However, the 23-year-old beauty has recently opened up about who will be designing her wedding dress.

Photo: Josephine Willcox for theFashionSpot

In an interview with, Jesinta said, “I’ve chosen the designer of my dress and that’s it – it’s a big secret, though.” Given the timing of her revelation, our money is on Steven Khalil. Jesinta was spotted sitting front row for the designer’s Couture 2015 show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week last Wednesday, which happened to have beautiful white gowns walking down the runway.

She’s also quite the advocate of the designer, wearing one of his creations as recently as the 2014 Brownlow Medal last September. She also wore a crisp-white Steven Khalil pick to the 2014 Logies, but had red wine spilled on her by a TV executive just 10 minutes into the event. Let’s hope her guests have a little more respect for her and her dress on the big day.


