Don’t Eat a Bunch of Sugar and Then Try to Think Nice Thoughts About The Barneys x Disney Holiday Collaboration

Okay, I’ve just eaten four packets of Welch’s Fruit Snacks hoping that somewhere in their little crinkly wrappers, I’d find the words to express why I don’t like the preview shots of Barneys‘ “Electric Holiday” collaboration with Disney. The only words I have concern my tummy ache. 

I don’t know if it’s the old-school-Disney animation (which makes me feel even more like an eight-year-old than Welch’s Fruit snacks ever could) or the too-kind representations of eminently mockable fashion personalities, but I’m not having it. Disney’s style doesn’t seem that relevant anymore, and I can’t bring myself to care about a cartoon which is basically a platform for a lot of rich vapid people to make some high-profile cameos which’ll serve their personal brands, or whatever. 

I’m probably just grumpy because I’m coming down from a sugar high. 


At least it appears that Disney and Barneys reversed some of their Minnie Mouse makeover plans: the iconic cartoon rodent will look less like an over-Photoshopped supermodel, more like her actual self. 

Barneys’ “Electric Holiday” Disney film will premiere at the department stores’ Madison Avenue location on Wednesday. See more preview shots on WWD
