Fashion Industry Insider: Cynthia Rose, Make-Up Artist

The Fashion Spot: Was there ever a point in your life when you were struggling in your career where you had the opportunity to do another job that was more stabile and safe, but you decided to stick with your passion? What made you stay with it?
CR: It’s not that I was offered something more stable and safe at one point in my career, I think I’ve always been confronted with the opportunity to take the easy road. I quit a very nice, cushy job as an optician to be a make-up artist, and I make the choice everyday to stay one. Being a freelance artist is not as glamorous as one may think, and I could go back to working in an office at anytime. I was very good at what I used to do, and I have no doubt I’d easily find a job in an office with a nice salary if that’s what I wanted.
What keeps me in this field is that I know I am doing exactly what I want to do, and I am afforded the luxury of choice. I choose my clients. I choose my schedule. I say when I get time off, and if I want to take the month off, like I did last month to travel, I don’t have to ask anyone. I am only accountable to myself.
tFS: Was there a defining moment when you knew this career is what you had to do with your life?
tFS: Was there a time in your life where you felt like you accomplished what you have sought out to succeed? When was it, and how has this changed your perspective on your future career goals?
CR: I never really sought to do anything other than be a freelance make-up artist. I never set a goal of say – doing New York Fashion Week, or doing Paris Fashion Week or working for Vogue. I do hope I never become complacent. I’m grateful for the awesome path I’ve found myself on, but I’m not about to start patting myself on the back.  Not yet, at least.

Photos courtesy of Kristina Wilson.  Cynthia Rose’s website is at



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