Toronto Retail Star: Community 54

It only made sense to replicate the same concept in Toronto, a one-stop shop not just for fashion, but art and culture. Community 54 calls Parkdale Village home, one of Toronto’s culture hubs. It comes at an interesting time for the city as that community is currently undergoing a rebirth. This is one of my latest favourite spots in Toronto, a place where I feel at home from the moment I walk through the doors. Greeted by arcade games, vintage streetwear, and of course the latest indie brands. For the most part, it feels like a blast from the past, in a good way. I always feel like playing dress up and having a photo shoot with all the cool finds they have.

If you’re not familiar already, get familiar. Community 54 is not just a boutique but a much needed breath of fresh air in the stagnant retail world. They fill a void that many of us didn’t know we were missing, creating an experience with every visit.




