21 Questions with… The Lipstick Queen, Poppy King

  1. When I get dressed in the morning I think… about how to be the best I can be to myself that day.
  2. I would never leave my home without… lipstick and a smile…when the two come together the world smiles back.
  3. The item of clothing I currently wear the most… are dresses. I love dresses and wear them more than pants or skirts.
  4. My biggest beauty pet peeve is… women thinking they can’t wear red lipstick… you can, it’s just getting over the fear and trying.
  5. The key to a good lipstick is… knowing how good it can make you feel inside when you find one you love.
  6. My favorite current lip trend is… bright pops of papaya shades as a summery alternative to red (see Jungle Queen).
  7. When I’m looking to de-stress I… go to yoga! It’s my fail-safe feel better activity.
  8. My beauty essentials include… water and sunscreen; being properly hydrated makes a huge difference to my skin. Also, not tanning because that always ages me since I have such pale skin.
  9. If my days had one extra hour I’d… READ! I wish I could find the time to read more books… I love reading.
  10. The last thing I googled was… the weather in NYC as it is super unpredictable these days.
  11. I could never travel without… my headphones…music helps me to enjoy traveling and keep dreaming with the tunes that inspire me.
  12. My favorite lip shades include… red, wine, papaya and pink! Love the fruity shades.
  13. When wearing a bright lip color you should… pare back your eye makeup and allow the lipstick to make the statement.
  14. Taking care of your lips includes… exfoliating dry skin with a gentle scrub in a circular motion with a spare toothbrush.
  15. My guilty pleasure is… watching movies in bed! Cozy and decadent at the same time.
  16. The best advice I ever got… was that there is no shortcut to any place worth going.
  17. On a typical Saturday night… I am relaxing either at a movie or with friends…weekends are my most low-key time and I love that.
  18. I’m always happy when… I am dreaming up new ideas.
  19. No day goes by without… laughter, I can always find something to make me laugh no matter what.
  20. When I’m looking to get inspired I… hit the streets of New York, which has an energy that always inspires me.
  21. One thing I do badly that I wish I did well… my teenage years!


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