21 Questions with… Supermodel Carol Alt

  1. I wake up around… 7:30 a.m. every day on the dot.
  2. My morning routine entails… spending 40 minutes on Twitter, 40 minutes practicing yoga and 15 minutes on the bike. I then make breakfast which consists of one raw egg, one carrot juice and my supplements. At 10:00, I am ready to start my day.
  3. On a typical day, I eat… raw food. So you saw my breakfast (above), however, that’s not what I would suggest others eat, that is just my routine. For lunch, I usually eat a salad with everything in it including avocado, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets and carrots and raw hummus that I make. For dinner, I usually eat either tartar, carpaccio or a very raw steak and a smaller salad. Sometimes for a snack I eat raw milk cheese with raw crackers in between my meals. I also have been making raw oatmeal cookies and I have some raw ice cream and chocolate if I feel like something sweet.
  4. When I’m stressed I… work out or go outside and take a walk along with a few deep breaths.
  5. If you looked at my desktop you’d find… two computers, homemade hand sanitizer, books on health, several samples of different skincare lines people send, homeopathic remedies, an enzyme lip gloss, my calendar of birthdays, a big stack of pens and a reflexology ball that I run under my feet while I’m sitting at my desk.
  6. My favorite healthy snack is… cheese and crackers, I buy raw milk, unpasteurized cheeses and there are a whole bunch of different kinds of fabulous raw crackers, my favorite is flax seed crackers!
  7. The best beauty tip I picked up is… cold pressed oils. I eat them so that I can build my body and then I know the excess goes to my skin for rebuilding and I also rub it in from the outside as well, I can’t get enough.
  8. If my days had one extra hour I’d… write more blogs.
  9. When it comes to exercise… I have to push myself because I’m very lazy at heart, but I know how good it is for me to do it.
  10. When it comes to shopping… I am not a very big fan. I have to try on clothes all day long for work, in my free time that is not exactly what I want to do.
  11. Most memorable modeling moment… I’ve had so many it’s impossible for me to pick just one. I hung from the Brooklyn Bridge, I was in Alaska on the Don Sheldon amphitheater of Mount McKinley and all over Africa shooting for Sports Illustrated. I went from Paris to Rome to shoot in iconic locations like the Eiffel Tower and the Colosseum, I also watched them slap octopus on the sidewalk in Mykonos and I’ve shot in the water by the Blue Grotto in Capri.
  12. My biggest fashion pet peeve is… heavy tights with sandals and heavy tights with an evening dress.
  13. My beauty essentials include… cold pressed coconut oil, LivingLibations toothpaste, RMS beauty foundation and Dr. Robert Young shampoo and conditioner for my hair. I like to keep things simple, chemical-free and healthy.
  14. My guilty pleasure is… I like a piece of raw chocolate at night and lately I’ve been craving Real Pickles.
  15. My biggest style regret is… I don’t really have any style regrets. Everything was a fad and was acceptable at the moment.
  16. You’d never catch me wearing… I could never say never. I still do movies and modeling, so if I’m asked to wear something I have to be open-minded because when I work for a client it’s their choice.
  17. The most treasured item in my closet is… a Valentino vest that I wore for W magazine in 1980. My boyfriend bought me the vest and I still have it to this day. It is black velvet with a fur trim.
  18. The best gift I ever received… was the first pair of shoes that I ever received for free while I was shooting the cover of Italian Vogue. They were totally not in the shot but I mentioned I liked them and the editor called the designer and he gifted them to me.
  19. The words of wisdom I try to remember… the Bible says not to look around, this is the best advice. If you look around at what other people are doing it can overshadow what you’re doing and make you feel small. You just have to enjoy what you’re doing, make it the most important thing in your life and be passionate about it and “not look around” at what everybody else is doing.
  20. When it comes to modeling, you’d probably be surprised to learn that… it’s not as easy as it looks and you need a very thick skin. It is totally not just about being a beautiful woman. Beautiful women don’t always make it as top models. The beautiful cheerleader from high school does not usually make a good model.
  21. On a typical Saturday night… I could be at an event, I could be working in my office or I could be answering 21 questions!


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