The Glossies: All the August 2016 Covers We Loved and Hated

August was one of the best months in a long while for diversity — both in terms of race and body shape/size. Ashley Graham continued to kill it with a Cosmopolitan cover. Ditto for Amy Schumer on Marie Claire. FKA twigs, a handful of Olympic athletes and fresh faces like Eva Green, Luna Bijl and Priyanka Chopra also made welcome appearances. We weren’t immune to trite covers from Gwen Stefani and Kylie Jenner and there were some low Prada-styled moments, but as a whole August turned out to be one of the most delightful months for glossy magazines. Bonus: This month had enough glamorous beach shots to make us almost forget about the insane humidity. Here’s a look at all the standout August 2016 magazine covers.
