Book It: Celebs Love Olympia Le-Tan’s Clutches

Kim Kardashian relishes a good photo op. After all, she’s been busy pushing her book of selfies, appropriately titled Selfish. Taking self-love to new heights, however, the reality TV star was recently spotted toting a custom Olympia Le-Tan book clutch boasting a Mr. & Mrs. West cover fashioned after her infamous wedding photo with Kanye West. While Kim decided to craft her own story, many celebs are favoring Le-Tan’s extensive library of pre-made clutches. From the classics Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland to required reading in high school like Lord of the Flies, the designer’s unique clutches have become a must-have accessory going back several seasons.

Scroll through the slideshow above to see which stars have been judging a clutch by its cover.
