How to Pull Off Bows Without Going All ‘Little Bo Peep’

It's entirely possible that you were under the age of 10 the last time you wore a bow. You're a grown-up now and maybe you think little girl accents don't befit the chic woman you've become. But wait: bows were a huge trend for Spring 2012!

"Not for me!" You say. We beg to differ.

The bows seen on the catwalks of the most high end, avant-garde, and well-loved designers in the world didn't call to mind tea parties and Easter Sunday dresses outfitted with crinoline and white patent shoes. Oh no. They were undeniably chic.

From fifties-like scarf tying to waist-emphasizing, bows were worn in a way which was all grown-up. If you're still hesitant, try adding a pretty bow to your favorite studded accessory and see if you don't look every bit the fashionista, able to mix tough and femme with the best of them. Need inspiration? That's what we're here for! Check out this awesome slideshow that gives you an inside look at what the designers did and an extra super-simple DIY idea that will have your girlfriends asking themselves why they didn't think of it first.


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