8 Bad Fashion Habits You Need to Break Now

Getting dressed in the morning—and at night—is extremely fun. It’s also hard. Between trying to keep up with trends, trying to cultivate a personal style and trying not to force your bank account into the red, it’s a wonder anyone can manage to get dressed at all. It can be easy to lose sight of the important considerations of fashion—and all too easy to fall into a bad habit rut. Feeling kinda blah about your closet? Before you go out with credit card in tow, think about it a little and try to face your own fashion landscape with a new attitude. Read on for eight fashion habits you should break now.

Buying just because it’s on sale

It’s a tired trope because it’s true—it doesn’t matter how much you save on buying something if you’re never going to actually wear it. The solution? Don’t be swayed by sale prices. Easier said than done, yes. Use this as your guide: next time you see something on major sale and your first impulse is to buy it, take a step back. Breathe. Look at it again. Would you so carelessly choose to buy it if it were the original price? If the most attractive thing about this potential new piece is the deep discount, look elsewhere.

Buying too far outside your comfort zone

It’s extremely valuable to challenge yourself in all aspects of life—feeling uncomfortable can spur growth. But it’s also good to know your last and final limit. With clothing, you should approach trends and unfamiliar silhouettes with an open mind—while still knowing what absolutely, positively won’t work for you. If you know that you hate the idea of a crop top, don’t buy one from H&M just because they’re in at the moment.

Not taking proper care of your things

What’s the point of spending gobs of money on amazing clothes and accessories if you’re just going to let them fall apart? If you’re dropping major dough on investment pieces (or even if you’re in the fast fashion lane and happily staying there), you want your things to last. Take the time to learn how your clothes should be laundered (or dry cleaned) and stick to it. It takes time, yes, but so does earning money to buy more clothes.

Not investing in the right things

Certain buys, though they are pricey, do not a worthy investment make. Be smart with your dough—and realistic about what marks an important purchase for you. It’s good to go for classic things that will last forever, of course, but if you feel really strongly about something that wouldn’t be considered a “worthy investment” by most standards, it’s totally okay to splurge sometimes. Things shouldn’t be the only thing that make you happy, but you can’t deny the joy that comes with finding something you feel completes you—be it lasts-forever riding boots or patterned hair bows.

Not having the basics covered

We’re not here to tell you that you’re wearing the wrong bra size (although, one can never be too sure—better check). We are here to tell you to get a bra that is comfortable, be it bandage style or laced-out, or to make sure that you have enough basic T-shirts to last you through a few laundry days. The foundations of a wardrobe are super important. Spend some time figuring out which long-sleeved tee or opaque tights fit your needs the best. When the basics are covered, looking for fun pieces is way easier—and more enjoyable.

Not having a signature look

Experimentation is awesome, but so is having a signature. Yes, having a sartorial go-to is easy, but there’s something to be said about being recognized or thought of for one thing, be it a haircut, a dress or a shoe style.

Buying because you feel like you should

This speaks to a lot of the other “rules,” but if you make it a habit of buying just because you’re easily swayed by what the fashion experts say, then you’re making a mistake. Filter all the advice and suggestions you receive through yourself, and think about how you can best make it work for you.

Following every fashion rule

This is how some of the most innovative—and ugly—fashion trends get started. It’s important to think for yourself, especially in fashion. Just because you read an article lambasting the socks/sandals look doesn’t mean it won’t look amazing on you. In fact, every time you see a “don’t,” consider it for yourself! You never know—you might find your next signature look.
