21 Questions with…Dr Perricone

1. Every morning when I get dressed I think… is all of the anti aging really working?! (Yes!)

2. The vitamins/supplements I think everyone should take… fish oil capsules and branch chain amino acids washed down with a delicious homemade juice; my go-to recipe is as follows: kale, beets, carrots, cucumber, apple, ginger and celery.

3. No day goes by without… learning something new.

4. My favorite healthy snack is… I love smoked salmon and blueberries; I also suggest snacking on almonds and a half of an apple.

5. My guilty pleasure is… Neuhaus chocolate, I could be their spokesperson! 

6. On a typical Saturday night… I hope to be at a comedy club, who doesn’t love to laugh?

7. When it comes to stress… I get stricter on the diet, amp up the yoga routine, but I always suggest keeping exercise to a moderate 45 minutes.

8. My beauty must-haves are… salmon, salad and topical products, they make all the difference.

9. The best foods for great skin… SALMON, watercress and avocado, are you starting to see a pattern yet?

10. The biggest mistake people make when it comes to their skincare routine… overtreatment.

11. If my days had one extra hour… I would read anything I wanted.

12. When it comes to exercise I… try to be as efficient as possible; I combine weight training with yoga and three mile runs every other day.

13. When I think of gluten I… get bloated!

14. The trick to blemish-free skin… DIET, DIET, DIET!

15. The best advice I ever got… my father always told me to “believe in yourself.”

16. When I’m looking to boost my mood… I go for a run and I use my Neuropeptide aromatic formula, which increases pheromones, just above my lip.

17. The most underrated food is… watercress, the benefits are unbelievable.

18. When I want to pamper myself… I get a massage, or an electric stim facial at my flagship store on Madison Avenue.

19. When I travel, I always make sure to… take my supplements and drink lots of water.

20. The key to being a successful entrepreneur is to… keep your eye on the goal.

21. If I could have dinner with anyone in the world… it would be the great inventor, Nikola Tesla.


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