8 Ways to Sun-Proof and Protect Hair This Summer

Summer is a time of laid-back days and hot party nights. It’s about swimming in the pool, lying out in the sun and hanging out on the beach with friends. But no matter how fun these activities are, they can be taxing on hair. Salt water, chlorine, humidity and baking in the sun can leave hair dry, frizzy and brittle. Definitely not a good look. We pumped celebrity hair and makeup artist and René Furterer brand ambassador Birgitte Philippides for tips on how to sun-proof and protect hair during the blazing hot summer months.

Switch up Your Part

Nothing is worse than a sunburned scalp. By switching up your part as often as you can, you’ll minimize your risk by ensuring that one section isn’t overexposed to the sun’s powerful rays.

Protect Your Color

Sun exposure fades hair color while swimming in chlorinated and salt water not only leaves mineral deposits, but can cast blondes with a greenish tinge. Before swimming, coat strands with hair products infused with complete color and UV protection to help combat the damaging effects of the sun, pool and ocean.

Deep Condition Often

During the summer months, step up your deep conditioning hair routine. Deep conditioners strengthen and moisturize your hair, helping repair split ends and keeping your hair frizz-free all summer long. Philippides recommends deep conditioning your tresses at least once a week if you plan on swimming in the pool or ocean often. “Use a deep-conditioning mask, like the René Furterer Absolue Kératine Ultimate Renewal Mask, for 10 to 15 minutes before shampooing. It’s a great way to make sure you don’t get any breakage when you comb out your hair. After deep conditioning, use a shampoo and a regular conditioner as needed and directed.”

Wet Your Hair Beforehand

Before swimming in chlorinated or salt water, saturate your hair with clean, non-chlorinated water first. Your follicles will soak up this water rather than the damaging chlorine or salt-filled water. 

Have Fun with Braids

“Harsh weather conditions, chlorine and salt mixed with medium to long hair can be a disaster waiting to happen. Braiding the hair can help prevent difficulty in brushing out hair later that has been knotted by the wind or been exposed to a lot of salt or chlorine,” says Philippides. Experiment with different styles and smooth on some leave-in conditioner. In the evenings, undo the braids for soft, super sexy beach waves without the dry, gritty texture.

Keep Products Ready and Handy in Your Beach Bag

Spritz on a moisturizing leave-in sun spray before you head out in the sun and throughout the day. They’re water-resistant and help protect against UVA and UVB rays. They’re also a great way to condition your hair while at the beach. 

Cover It Up

Tie your hair up in a scarf. It’s a chic way to protect your hair from overexposure from the sun’s harsh rays and to prevent frying your scalp. Plus, it’s perfect for minimizing tangles and knots on super windy days. Hats are another fashionable option.

Make like a Synchronized Swimmer

Channel your inner Esther Williams and don a swim cap to limit your hair’s exposure to chlorine.

Plus, check out these 12 frizz-fighting, color-protecting and moisturizing products that will keep your hair looking healthy all summer long.
