The Best Bronzers and Luminizers to Liven Up Winter Skin

Do you even remember what the warmth of the summer sun feels like? (Probably not, unless you were one of the lucky ones to jet off to somewhere tropical for the holidays.) It’s the dead of winter and last summer almost feels like it never existed. Our tans have long faded despite our best efforts to prolong them. Winter hibernation, the lack of sunshine and cold and flu season have given our complexions a ghoulish cast. Tanning beds are out of the question and self-tanners can often look laughably fake in the dark days of winter. A better solution is to bring some warmth back into skin with natural bronzers and luminizers.

Finding the right bronzer can be tricky in the summer, but it’s even more of a challenge for lackluster winter skin. Quite often, bronzers are too orange, too muddy or too shiny. Ahead, we’ve selected the best bronzers and luminizers to revive winter complexions.

[ Next: Yoga Skin Is the New Glass Skin ]


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