Tracy Anderson Is Expanding Her Fitness Empire

It was only a few weeks ago that Gwyneth Paltrow made headlines when it was announced that she had hired ex-Martha Stewart CEO Lisa Gersh as the new Goop CEO (the irony). Now she’s making headlines for hiring a new CEO for her joint venture with friend and business partner Tracy Anderson.

“Over the last 16 years, my mission has always been to empower and support the people of which the Tracy Anderson Method serves by helping them create balance where there is imbalance in their lives,” Anderson told us. “It’s with great pride that Gwyneth and I have appointed Maria Baum as the Chief Executive Officer of Tracy Anderson to spearhead a new and advanced level of support through innovative programs, products, experiences and services that our company will offer clients worldwide.”

What exactly are these programs and products? They will likely include new permanent studio locations and pop-up locations in the U.S. and internationally (Anderson already offers private training in London) as well as a high-end clothing line (Anderson has dipped her toes into the luxury activewear space before). 

Prior to being appointed chief executive, Baum launched her career on Wall Street as an OTC Index Derivative trader, followed by a variety of finance positions at hedge funds and financial service firms. She also founded and developed several business ventures, including capital markets recruiting firm Bay Street Advisors and the Tutto Il Giorno restaurant chain, an Anderson favorite . On the charitable front, the entrepreneur is the creator of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation’s The Hamptons Paddle & Party for Pink, an organization that Anderson has worked closely with, and like the fitness maven, Baum resides in the Hamptons.

In the meantime, should you feel so inclined, you can get your Anderson fix via her recently launched dance aerobics DVD.
