Robyn Lawley Reveals Stretch Marks In Empowering Post: ‘F**k Them, Who Cares, Be You, Be Loud, Be Proud’

Robyn Lawley has once again proven that she’s a friggin’ great person, revealing her post-baby stretch marks in an empowering social media post.

Posing in front of the mirror with just her underwear on, the Aussie model showcases the stretch marks across her lower abdomen, saying, “They are some bad ass #tigerstripes. And I earned them.”

The post follows a year-old article which Robyn believes was manipulated, reading, “Robyn considers abortion to avoid stretch marks.”


A photo posted by Robyn Lawley (@robynlawley1) on

Robyn contests that she was “shocked” and never said such things, and that the hurtful comments that followed resulted in stress and concern for her unborn baby’s health.

[ Read: Model Robyn Lawley on the Problem with Food ]

Robyn has forever been an ambassador for loving and embracing your body, so it really is no wonder that this particular article, which has since been pulled down, made her so upset.

“We put an unbelievable amount of ridiculous time consuming pressure on women to care so much about their flaws they forget how truly beautiful they (you) are today,” she wrote on her Facebook. “F**k them, who cares, be you, be loud, be proud. And put your efforts into skills that rely more on your physical self.”

21 Questions with… Model Robyn Lawley ]

She continued, “And to anyone who feels bad about your body especially after a baby, you are a warrior, you created a life inside of you, that’s no easy feat.”

“It’s 2015 we have to urgently make women feel empowered by their bodies and minds. We should not be taking their rights and choices away. I love my daughter, I also love my human rights.”

Never change, Robyn.
