Condé Nast Traveler Has Our Attention With This Intriguing Amber Valletta Cover (Forum Buzz)


Members of our forums were certainly into it. “My goodness this is stunning. Wow,” rejoiced an elated MON immediately.

“This is very cool. Even with the multitude of colors, Amber’s beautiful blue eyes are still the prominent feature of this cover,” acknowledged an equally amazed justaguy.

“This was my thought. With all that going on her face, the eyes still command the shot. Very pretty,” responded MyNameIs in agreement.

Sharing the same sentiments was happycanadian, approving, “Wow. Really beautiful cover. I love that it’s not cluttered with text! This is strong. Amber is stunning, as per usual.”

“It’s so dumb how Anna [Wintour] uses her position as Condé Nast’s artistic director to put all these models on the cover of a magazine she oversees but would never actually give these same models the cover of Vogue,” fumed A.D.C. as the discussion started to get a little sidetracked.

“Not really, I’m sure the majority of people who buy Condé Nast Traveler are just going to buy it anyway, regardless of who is on the cover. Not so much with Vogue,” blueorchid replied.

Miss Dalloway felt the same way, adding, “Gorgeous, although I agree that Wintour’s influence is greatly felt across CN titles, now!”

Show your own approval of the cover and join the conversation here.
