21 Questions with…Unruly Heir’s Joey Goodwin

Joey [right] with Unruly Heir co-designer/partner John in an episode of All on the Line.



Here co-designer Joey Goodwin answers our 21 questions.

1. Day-to-day I love wearing…my basketball shorts; they keep me relaxed.

2. I wouldn’t be caught dead…knock on wood I won’t be caught dead soon.

3. In one word Unruly Heir is…two words: inheriting life.

4. When I think of Joe Zee I think…someone who knows what they are talking about.

5. When I saw my All on the Line episode I thought…I’m blessed.

6. The main thing I learned from being on All on the Line is…as important as it is to stay outside the box, sometimes you need to walk the line (if only for a second).

7. If I were to shoot the whole episode over again…I’d have a hidden camera so I could release the outtakes on DVD.

8. I would describe my relationship with my business partner John as…John is an exceptionally talented artist and a friend.

9. If you ask my dad what he thinks about Unruly Heir as it stands today he would say…where’s my boat?

10. I would love to see Unruly Heir stocked in…everybody’s closet.

11. My favorite Fall 2012 Unruly Heir piece is…I really like the Unruly Heir Scoop Boxing Graphic Tees and the Embroidered Back Pocket Sweat Pants (check them out here).

12. Every man should have these essentials in their closet…an Unruly Heir dress shirt, a comfortable pair of shoes, and an escape plan.

13. When it comes to footwear…I wear a lot of Vans.

14. I’m excited about these Fall 2012 trends…Unruly Heir is back!

15. When I play basketball I wear…what I wear to work.

16. When I’m out and about in NYC I wear…I’m pretty relaxed and like to stay comfortable with a tee or an Unruly Heir button down, nice pair of pants, and comfortable shoes.

17. When it comes to womenswear…you can’t go wrong with women.

18. If I wasn’t in the fashion business…I’d get fired a lot.

19. The best part of my job is…coloring outside the lines.

20. The thing I treasure most in my life…my parents and everything I’ve learned and am still learning.

21. When it comes to stress…I lean into it.


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