Leading online underwear retailer Freshpair.com recently launched cheapundies.com, an outlet site where people can browse and shop deals on designer underwear brands for both men and women (inventory is restocked weekly), for between 25% and 75% off the retail cost. To bring attention to the new site, the folks at Cheap Undies staged a fun stunt that those who happen to be in Time Square a few days ago had the pleasure of getting a laugh out of.

Skid Milton — a 6 ft pig dressed in fancy tighty-whities — is the brand ambassador for the newly launched website and has been spending his first days in New York City getting acquainted with his surroundings and fellow New Yorkers by challenging passerby’s to games of truth or dare, surveying them on their favorite types of underwear, giving away free underwear, and filming humorous webisodes for the e-commerce site. It’s pretty incredible what people will do for anything that’s free.

Some bizarre answers to questions included –
    •    What was the longest you have gone without changing your underwear? “A few days, sometimes I just turn it inside out”
    •    How often do you go commando: “a few days a week… I am commando now”

While among the crazier things people did were –
    •    Stripping down to their undies while running around very public places (like Union Square) holding skid’s hand
    •    Tango-ing with skid in the middle of a very busy street
    •    Running around a city block with underwear from cheapundies.com on their head yelling “I love Skid Milton and cheapundies.com”

Prizes for the dares and answers included free underwear every month for a year, large “Skid” stuffed toys, small Skid stress toys, $100 and $50 gift certificates to cheapundies.com.


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