From a personal standpoint, the first few weeks of spring are usually marked by a certain amount of inner turmoil.  On the one hand, there’s a general lifting of spirits caused by the additional hours of daylight, plants starting to show a little greenery, and the excited trilling of birds.  On the other, there’s the knowledge that where there’s a spring there will soon be a summer and some sort of plan should be put in place to alleviate the annual misery caused by having nothing to wear in the warm weather.  Or, rather, of “making do” with pieces that have little correlation to those I would select during other (cooler) times of year. 

And so after many years of pretending that summer simply doesn’t exist, and therefore being totally unprepared for it, I am finally trying to do a little pre-planning…analyzing my current wardrobe and zeroing in on what worked, or more often didn’t, in prior years.  It’s not going to be easy, my natural inclination veering towards layers and knitwear.  And it’s not going to be fast; so far my major revelation has been that I need to stop buying sandals…as I fall for their good looks and then end up hobbling around thanks to the pebbles that have sneaked inside.  But, hopefully, it may make summer a little more manageable.
