So Pinteresting: A Chat With Pinterest Super-User Justina Blakeney

Being a serious Pinterest user isn't for the faint of heart. Yes, it's a fun site, but the fun tends to peter out when the only notification emails you get anymore are from new spam followers. So when we get the opportunity to talk to someone who really has Pinterest figured out — ya know, beautiful boards, intriguing pins, a gajillion followers — we listen to what they have to say. Meet Justina Blakeney, the super-sweet creative consultant and the force behind a gorgeous self-titled blog. Oh right, and she's a pinning wizard. Under the name Compai, Blakeney culls the best, most inspiring of the web and curates a mind-bogglingly colorful array of boards, for an audience of over 1.2 million followers. We think her magic has something to do with the specifics — she's got boards focused on natural afros, wearable folk art, and pompoms, just to name a few — but we went straight to the source to learn how she got started with Pinterest, how she decides to follow others, and how she decides which pins make the cut.
